
LLM in Business Law & Diploma in Legal Practice and Management


NBC collaborates with the Catholic University of Lille (Université Catholique de Lille) which is one of the oldest private, non-profit universities in France. UCL awards state degrees (Diplômes d’État) in collaboration with the public University of Toulouse Capitole (Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole).

In collaboration with Université Catholique de Lille, NBC offers for the first time in Greece a comprehensive 18-month postgraduate program which leads to two state-recognized university degrees (Master 2 in Business Law and University Diploma in International Legal Practice & Management), combining Business Law, Economics and Management in a modern and innovative way, perfectly adapted to the legal, technological and business developments in Greece and abroad.

It consists of:

  1. Master 2 Business Law (M2 Droit des affaires), a state degree in France awarded by the Faculty of Law of Université Catholique de Lille in collaboration with Université de Toulouse 1 – Capitole, and the
  2. University Diploma in International Legal Practice & Management (Diplôme Univesitaire), awarded by the Faculty of Law of Université Catholique de Lille.

Entry requirements

  • a 4-year degree from the Law School of a Greek or foreign university (240 ECTS credits) or
  • a 4-year degree from the School of Economics of a Greek or foreign university (240 ECTS credits) and
  • Very good level of English (B2)

Courses taught

  • Comparative Company Law
  • Competition Law
  • International trade Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Negotiation & Contract Drafting
  • Legal, Tax & Social Auditing
  • Privacy & Data Protection
  • Corporate Governance
  • International Tax Law
  • International Investment Law
  • Cyber Crime Law & Cyber Security
  • Insurance Law (elective)
  • Banking & Finance Law (elective)
  • Telecommunications Law (elective)
  • Economic Analysis of Law
  • Compliance
  • Elements of Microeconomics
  • Accounting & Financial Reporting
  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Project Management
  • Digital Transformation
  • Enterpreneurship & Legal Tech
  • E-Commerce
  • Negotiation & ADRM
  • Corporate Development and M&A
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Practice

It is designed for

  • Any legal practitioner or legal advisor of a business who wishes to open up new perspectives for professional development through Business Law, Economics and Business Administratio
  • Law graduates, postgraduate students and trainee lawyers who would like to pursue a career in the most sought-after in the market combination of Commercial Law, Economics and Business Administration
  • Graduates of Higher Schools of Economics and Business aiming at professional development in the administrative hierarchy (provided that their knowledge of law in courses taken as part of their undergraduate studies is deemed sufficient).

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240 ECTS
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410 Teaching hours
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Starting Date: 20 September 2024
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Duration: 18 months

Participant evaluation methods:

  • Written and oral examinations
  • Oral presentations
  • Written assignments
  • Internships
  • A postgraduate thesis
  • Active participation in the course
  • Evaluation of the internship through a written report

10 reasons to choose it

  1. The only postgraduate course that combines Business Law, Economics    and Management and is recognised in both Greece and France.
  2. It offers immediate professional development and prospects in the most sought-after legal career of the modern Business Lawyer in Greece and abroad.
  3. Within 18 months the graduate acquires two state-recognised qualifications.
  4. French professors of Law, Economics and Management and professionals with international work experience teach face-to-face
  5. Teaching is in English providing a significant competitive advantage of immersion in legal and financial terminology which is essential in business transactions.
  6. It is perfectly adapted to the technological, legal and operational developments faced by all modern businesses.
  7. It is organised in a way which is convenient for the participants working during their studies.
  8. It is flexible in the way it can be attended, offering both live streaming and on-demand attendance if necessary.
  9. Access to numerous sources of literature is offered through the bibliographic databases of the Universities and NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI.
  10. The possibility of an internship in partner companies in Greece and France is offered.