


Assistant Professor (Catholic University in Milan) & Adjunct Professor (Law Faculty of Lille Catholic University)


Giulia Schneider is an Assistant Professor in Economic Law at Catholic University in Milan & Adjunct Professor of Corporate Governance at the Law Faculty of Lille Catholic University in France, where she teaches the course of Corporate Governance at Master degree level. The field of her expertise is Business and IT Law. Before joining the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Giulia was teaching Business & Commercial Law in the Economic Department of the Università di Pisa in Italy. During the preparation of her Phd in the Università Bocconi, she was a visiting scholar in various institutions, among which the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. She is author of two books, one regarding health data pools under European data protection and competition law edited by Springer 2022 and one about AI and business law (with Prof. Abriani) published by the Italian editor Il Mulino in 2021.