
Eleftheria TZAMAROU

Eleftheria TZAMAROU

Lecturer in the Law Faculty of Lille Catholic University


Eleftheria Tzamarou is a Greek academic working in France as Lecturer in the Law Faculty of Lille Catholic University. She holds a Master Degree in the Law of New Technologies and Intellectual Property from the University of Paris Nanterre. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in the field of Personal Data within the abovementioned university and a Member of CREDOF, the Centre of Research and Studies on Fundamental Rights of this University. Her academic research is focused in the field of Fundamental Liberties and more precisely on the Right to digital oblivion and its relationship with Sensitive Data. She practiced in the past as a lawyer in the Athens Bar until she moved to Paris in 2013. For several years Eleftheria has been teaching within the Law Faculty of Lille Catholic University the course on Privacy & Personal Data at Master Level.