


PhD, Managing Partner MSCK Law Office


Michalis Seiradakis is a lawyer, former member of the Pre-Trial Appeals Examination Authority (A.E.P.P.) and has served as a President of its 7th Unit. He graduated from the Law School of Athens in 2004 and holds two postgraduate degrees, the first from the Law Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with a specialization in “Commercial and Corporate Law” and the second from King’s College of London with a specialization in “International Business Law”, while since July 2018 he is a Doctoral Candidate in Law on the subject of his doctoral dissertation: “The participatory presence of third parties in public tenders. Association of Persons & Consortium, Loans Experience & Subcontracting”. From 2008 to 2017 he was a co-founder and collaborator of the MSCK Law Office. Since 2013 he is a certified lecturer in the program O.A.E.D.-L.A.E.K. and in 2023 he was registered in the Register of Greek College Teachers of the Ministry of Education and Religion. He specializes in public procurement law and is involved as a Lecturer in the Educational Program on: “Public Procurement in Practice – Legal Framework – Tender Procedure – Execution of Public Procurement – Electronic Public Tenders”. Among others, each year he conducts a series of seminars on current issues of public procurement law and regularly publishes several studies in legal journals and financial magazines. Finally, he was a Member of the Organizing Committee for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Public Procurement, in all of which participated as a speaker.