The Future of Legal Practitioners in AI Era

Law & Technology (3rd year)

Executive Program by Tilburg University
Academic Director: Prof. Dr. Eleni Kosta
Instructors: 23 international academics & professionals


NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI | COLLEGE, in partnership with Tilburg University School of Law – ranked as the best Dutch university in law according to THE World University Rankings 2023 by subject- is proud to offer the newly updated Executive Program «Law & Technology». This program delves into all the latest technological developments in law and provides a university certificate upon completion. The program covers a wide range of regulatory and legal issues that arise from the rapid development and application of information and communication technologies. Participants will gain both practical and theoretical skills needed to effectively address digital challenges within the field of law.

Why choose this program

  • The program offers legal professionals intensive education and training in a wide range of legal areas related to information and communication technologies.
  • It contributes to the development of interdisciplinary skills, offering competitive advantages in the ever-changing labour market.
  • Participants will deepen their understanding of practical, strategic, and contemporary approaches to legal issues related to technology, which will make them key players in workplace decision-making centres.
  • The instructors are well-trained and highly experienced international academics and practitioners in the field of law and technology.

Course Overview

Introductory seminars (8 h)

  • It’s not the technology, nor the law
  • Human rights and technology
  • Mass surveillance
  • Rule of code v. the Rule of Law

Artificial Intelligence (16 h)

  • What is AI?: from ELIZA to CHATGPT
  • Principle-based approaches to AI governance
  • THE EU AI Act
  • Ethical dilemmas in AI practice
  • The social impact of data and AI
  • Algorithmic collusion

European data protection (8 h)

  • Drafting privacy policies
  • Transborder transfers of data
  • Understanding DPIA
  • The unsolved enforcement problem of the GDPR

Cybercrime Law (4 h)

  • Substantive Cybercrime Law
  • Policing Cybercrime

Data Security & Contracts (8 h)

  • Data access in the GDPR, Data Act, DMA and EU competition law
  • Data processing in ICT Contracts
  • Cyber resilience and the emerging global legal landscape
  • From NIS to DORA

Competition Law (12 h)

  • Merger Control in Digital Markets
  • Competition Law in Digital Markets
  • Competition enforcement in the digital era

Intellectual Property (4 h)

  • IP’s big data bang
  • Auctor ex machina? AI and copyright

Energy Law (8 h)

  • Energy law as a driver of socio-technical change
  • Regulating new technologies in the energy sector
  • Legal frameworks for energy data sharing in the Twin (Digital & Green) Transitions

Health Law (4h)

  • Technologies of Care, Technologies of Control
  • EU health data governance

Digital Trade and Standardisation (4 h)

  • Digital Trade Regulation
  • Standards and ICT Law

Fintech Laws and Regulations (4 h)

  • Financial Regulation & Technology
  • EU AML/CFT and data sharing among the actors

Download from here detailed lessons timetable (1ο συνημμένο)

Intended Participants

The program is designed for lawyers, staff of legal departments of companies and organizations, legal advisors, policy and regulatory experts, and researchers, who wish to develop their knowledge or to systematize and modernize their knowledge on topics related to the way the law deals with technological challenges and adapt to contemporary data and digital challenges of our time.

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80 Teaching hours
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23 Instructors
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Starting Date: 19 November 2024
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Duration: 4 months

Download the timetable

Prof. Dr. Panos DELIMATSIS
Dr. Inge GRAEF
Dr. Irene KAMARA
Prof. Dr. Eleni KOSTA
Taner KURU
Prof. Dr. Ronald LEENES
Dr. Sunimal MENDIS
Prof. Dr. Lokke MOEREL
Prof. Dr. Giorgio MONTI
Prof. Dr. Linnet TAYLOR


Marco Bassini is assistant professor of Fundamental Rights and Artificial Intelligence at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society – Tilburg University. Previously, he served as adjunct professor of Constitutional Law and Internet Law at Bocconi University, where he also was appointed coordinator for the LLM program in Law of Internet Technology from 2020 to 2022. From 2017 to 2021, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University. In 2016 he was a postdoctoral Emile Noël Fellow at New York University and he obtained his PhD in Constitutional Law and European Law from the University of Verona. For over a decade Marco has combined his academic career with legal practice, working at international law firms in Milan and Rome and serving as data protection officer with leading companies. He also served as external advisor, among others, to the Italian Communications Authority and to the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation. Marco’s research interests include: protection of human rights in the digital age, regulatory strategies for technology, populism and the Internet.

Dr. Max BAUMGART                                                                                       

Dr. Max Baumgart joined TILT as Assistant Professor (UD) in European and national regulation of the energy transition in June 2022. Max studied law in Berlin, Geneva and Cologne and obtained a double degree doctorate in law from the universities of Basel and Cologne. His doctoral studies were funded by the Hanns Seidel foundation and his dissertation received the EEX Group Excellence Award for Outstanding Research Papers 2019. Max held research and teaching positions at the University of Cologne, UC Berkeley, the China-EU School of Law in Beijing and at the University of Akureyri. Within his German Postgraduate Judicial Service Traineeship, Max worked for the EU Commission’s Directorate-General Energy in Brussels and at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. Max is admitted to the German bar. His fields of expertise include energy law, the application of competition law in digital markets, and EU economic law. His research explores transformation processes in EU and domestic economic law with a special focus on energy law. Recent publication projects address the regulation of hydrogen grids. Within TILT, Max is part of the competition and innovation team that focuses on the regulation of innovation with particular attention for digital and energy markets.


Dr. Konrad Borowicz is an academic macro lawyer with prior experience in legal practice, qualified in New York and later worked in the City of London. He holds a J.S.D. from Columbia Law School, a Ph.D. in Law from the European University Institute, and an LLM from Duke Law School, while he obtained his first law degree from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, his hometown. Currently, Konrad is an Assistant Professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) and a Research Coordinator at the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. His research looks at debtor and creditor rights, mainly from a law and macro finance perspective as well as at the regulation of financial markets and technology, mainly from a law and political economy perspective.


Friso Bostoen is an assistant professor of competition law and digital regulation at Tilburg University. Previously, he was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (2022–23). He holds degrees from KU Leuven (LL.M. and Ph.D.) and Harvard (LL.M.). Friso’s research focuses on the regulation of online platforms—and technology more broadly—under antitrust law and sectoral regulation. His work has resulted in numerous international publications and presentations. In addition, Friso edits the CoRe Blog and hosts the Monopoly Attack podcast. He has taught competition law at a variety of institutions including KU Leuven, the London School of Economics, Erasmus University (Rotterdam), Waseda University (Tokyo), and the University of Trento.


Magdalena Brewczyńska is a postdoctoral researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) at Tilburg University’s Law School (the Netherlands). Magdalena holds an LL.M. in Law & Technology and a PhD from Tilburg University and a Master’s degree in law from Jagiellonian University in Poland. Currently, she works on a multidisciplinary project ‘AlgoSoc’ studying the challenges posed to public values by the algorithmic society. Previously, in her doctoral dissertation “Policing via banks: the question of legitimacy of personal data sharing”, she explored the problem of public-private collaboration through personal data sharing in the context of the realisation of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy. From 2019 to 2022 she collaborated with Max Planck Institute on the EU-funded Project Public-Private Partnerships on Terrorism Financing (ParTFin) and in 2023, Magdalena received the Young Scholar Award for the best paper from the European Data Protection Law Review.


Lorenzo Dalla Corte is an Assistant Professor in Data Protection and Cybersecurity Law, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT). He previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at TILT and as a researcher at both Tilburg University and Delft University of Technology. He also held an honorary lectureship at the Australian National University, College of Law, and was a visiting researcher at the University of Ottawa. Lorenzo holds a doctorate and an L.L.M from Tilburg Law School, and a Laureau Quinquennale in Legge (5-year Master of Law) from LUISS Guido Carli. Lorenzo’s field of expertise is the interaction between technology and fundamental rights, eminently privacy, data protection, and security. He regularly publishes in edited books and journals, and speaks at conferences, workshops and symposia. Lorenzo has lectured on a variety of topics related to law and technology and coordinates the MSc course ‘Data Science: Privacy, Security, and Sustainability’.

Prof. Dr. Panos DELIMATSIS

Professor Panos Delimatsis holds the Chair of European and International Economic Law and is Director of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Prof. Delimatsis is a renowned expert in the regulation of services trade and market governance. He is the Principal Investigator of a prestigious grant (awarded by the European Research Council) examining the resilience of private rule-makers in the fields of manufacturing and finance, using interdisciplinary methods. Prof. Delimatsis’ current research interests include the regulation of services, the governance and rules of sustainable standard-setting and the regulation of the financial sector at the transnational level. His teaching focuses on international trade regulation, the regulation of economic activity in Europe as well as trade and development. On those topics, he has consulted for States, international organizations and companies. Prof. Delimatsis read law in Greece (Democritus University of Thrace), Germany (University of Saarland), and Switzerland (University of Neuchatel). In 2015-16, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School, USA.


Brenda Espinosa is a postdoctoral researcher affiliated to the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) at Tilburg University’s Law School (the Netherlands). She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Universidad Externado de Colombia and an LLM diploma in International Business Law from Tilburg University. She will soon receive her doctoral degree at the same University with her dissertation ‘Dealing with data: A study on the legal challenges of data-driven innovation and data sharing in the digitalized utilities and how to address them’. Brenda’s PhD research (2018-2022) was part of ‘LONGA VIA’, a four-year research project sponsored by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Next Generation Infrastructures (NGInfra), a knowledge platform created by six operators of critical infrastructures in the Netherlands. As of July 2022, Brenda has joined the research project ‘MEGAMIND’ (also sponsored by NWO) as postdoctoral researcher, to investigate the legal and ethical challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in the context of smart electricity grids. Brenda’s field of expertise and interest include business law, law and technology, the regulation of network industries and data governance.

Dr. Inge GRAEF

Inge Graef is Associate Professor of Competition Law at Tilburg University. She is affiliated to the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) and the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC).
Inge is an associate editor of the Journal of Competition Law & Economics and a member of the international editorial board of Telecommunications Policy.
Beyond her academic activities, she is appointed as a member of the European Commission’s expert group to the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy.

Dr. Irene KAMARA

Irene works as an Assistant Professor Cybercrime Law and Human Rights at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society. She is an affiliate researcher at the Law & Criminology department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Irene is coordinating and teaching the Cybercrime course at the LLM program Law & Technology of the Tilburg Law School, and she is teaching human rights, standardisation and disruptive technologies at bachelor and master programs. Irene has conducted research for the European Commission, the Dutch National Cyber Security Agency, the European Cybersecurity Agency ENISA, the Dutch Ministry of Justice, and others. She is also invited by the European Commission as external expert evaluator of EU funded proposals on societal security. Irene is selected as a member of the ENISA Experts List for assisting the implementation of its Annual Work Programme and a member of the CEN-CENELEC/BTWG 5 ‘STAIR’ on Standardization, Innovation and Research. She participates in the NEN Technical Committee on Privacy and Cybersecurity contributing to the developments of Dutch, European, and international standards. Last year, Irene was the winner of the 2021 Standards Innovation Individual Researcher award of the European Standardisation Organizations. Irene is publishing regularly at international and European peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes by Oxford University Press, Hart Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Edward Elgar, and others. As of September 2022, Irene is TILT’s new research coordinator. Irene is admitted to the Athens Bar Association as a qualified attorney-at-law and was practising for several years before joining academia. She has obtained a joint doctorate degree by Tilburg University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, an LLM on Law and Technology (Tilburg University, cum laude), a Master in Science in International and European Relations (Piraeus University) and a Bachelor in Laws (Democritus University of Thrace).

Prof. Dr. Eleni KOSTA

Eleni Kosta is full Professor of Technology Law and Human Rights at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT, Tilburg University, the Netherlands). Eleni is conducting research on human rights with a focus on privacy and data protection, specialising in electronic communications and new technologies. She has been involved in numerous EU research projects. In 2014 Eleni was awarded a personal research grant for research on privacy and surveillance by the Dutch Research Organisation (VENI/NWO). She is member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch digital rights organisation, Bits of Freedom, and an observer to the Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership (EFIPPP). She is a member of editorial boards of academic journals (EDPL, IRLCT etc.) and conferences and workshops scientific and organising committees (CPDP, ISP etc.). Eleni also collaborates as associate with timelex (www.timelex.eu).

Taner KURU

His research focuses on ethical and legal implications that arise from artificial intelligence-driven genetic research. Before joining TILT, he completed the Advanced LL.M. in Law and Digital Technologies program at Leiden University with cum laude distinction as an awardee of the Jean Monnet Scholarship in 2020. He then received the European Data Protection Law Review’s ‘Young Scholar Award’ for his article titled ‘Genetic Data: The Achilles’ Heel of the GDPR?’ based on his master’s thesis. He also interned at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Institute (UNICRI) Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in 2020. Taner is also a certified lawyer at Ankara Bar Association and previously worked as an attorney-at-law in Turkey.

Prof. Dr. Ronald LEENES

Ronald has taught at universities since 1994 in all stages of academic scholarship (Ba, Ma, PhD, post-academic/executive) and to a wide range of students, social scientists, law students, engineers and professionals. He has covered a wide range of legal domains, from encyclopedia of law to data protection and privacy. In the last seven years he is focusing his teaching on regulation of technology in general, and on regulation by technology (techno-regulation). Particular application domains he uses as case studies are AI and robotics, privacy by design and smart environments. He has given many keynotes at international conferences and guest lectures both in The Netherlands and abroad. Ronald has been the director of TILT for 7.5 until March 2022. His current academic research is oriented towards mechanisms of regulating socio-technical change, regulatory failure and regulatory disconnect, and legal disruption by technology (in particular AI). Ronald has a background Public Administration (University of Twente) and received his PhD on a thesis on hard cases in law and AI and law. He has led and worked on many EU Framework projects as well as projects commissioned by the European Commission and Dutch government. He has given evidence to the Dutch Parliament and the European Parliament. He has (co-)edited over 20 books, and (co-) written well over 150 articles and book chapters.

Dr. Sunimal MENDIS

Sunimal Mendis teaches the ‘Advanced Topics in Intellectual Property Law’ course within the Master’s in Law and Technology (LLM) program at the Tilburg Law School. She is also a guest lecturer in IP law at TU Eindhoven and the Jheronimus Academy of Data Sciences (JADS) in The Netherlands. She holds a PhD magna cum laude in Intellectual Property Law from the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (MPI), Munich, Germany (awarded by the Ludwig Maximillians University of Munich). Prior to her appointment at Tilburg University, she worked as a researcher in the ERC Inclusive project at the Science Po Law School, Paris, France and as a post-doctoral researcher at the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, France and was a Fellow of the 2020 Research Sprint on AI and Platform Governance organized by the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Berlin. Her current research focuses on the fundamental rights implications of copyright enforcement on online social media platforms and the need to reform the current EU law framework on platform governance to foster robust democratic discourse in the digital public sphere. Her research focuses on the interface between copyright law, technological innovation, and the digital economy with a particular emphasis on core technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big-data and digitization.


Dr. Gert Meyers joined TILT in 2020 and is Assistant Professor (UD) on digitalization of health and wellbeing. Gert is a master in philosophy, sociology and policy economics and obtained his PhD degree in sociology at KU Leuven (Belgium). His research topics have been the emergence of big data in the institutions such as insurance and healthcare, behaviour-based personalization and their effects on solidarity in insurance, and the implementation of blockchain projects by the Dutch government. Currently he focuses on how the introduction of new digital technologies in healthcare practices reconfigures values such as responsibility, fairness, solidarity and doctor-patient confidentiality. Within TILT, Gert is part of the governance team and the interdisciplinary and interfaculty sector plan team on the digitalization of health and wellbeing.

Prof. Dr. Lokke MOEREL

Among the world’s best-known privacy & cyber advisers, prof. dr. Lokke Moerel is an Of Counsel at the Belgian branch of Morrison Foerster and is regularly called upon by some of the world’s most complex multinational organizations to confront their global privacy and ethical challenges when implementing new technologies and digital business models and to assist them with their global cyber security incident response and regulatory investigations. Lokke is also a full professor of Global ICT law at Tilburg University (The Netherlands), where she teaches global data protection and new technologies. Lokke is widely recognized as the leading global expert on BCR and authored Binding Corporate Rules, Corporate Self-Regulation of Global Data Transfers, published by Oxford University Press in 2012, which is considered the leading textbook on BCR. She is MoFo’s lead counsel on BCR and co-heads the Global Privacy Group (GPG), a working group of chief privacy officers and in-house lawyers at leading European multinationals, which developed a set of Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), that have received EU-wide approval. Lokke is a member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council, the advisory body of the Dutch cabinet on cybersecurity and also provides cyber security advice to the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Lokke has represented companies in some of the largest global data breaches, and in inquiries and investigations before regulatory authorities worldwide. Lokke is an authority on AI, big data and the Internet of Things. In February 2014, she accepted her professorship at the University of Tilburg with the inaugural speech: ‘Big Data Protection: How to Make the Draft EU Regulation on Data Protection Future Proof’. She was further appointed to co-author the 2016 report for the Dutch Lawyers Society (under the auspices of the Dutch Supreme Court) on the societal impact of the digital age: ‘Privacy for the Homo Digitalis: Proposal for a New Regulatory Framework for Data Protection in the Light of Big Data and the Internet of Things’. Lokke practiced data protection in the Netherlands for over 25 years and was consistently ranked in Band 1 by Chambers for the Netherlands. After joining Morrison & Foerster’s Berlin office in 2015, she was ranked Band 1 in Chambers Europe 2015: ‘She has a formidable reputation in the field of data protection, advising numerous blue-chip clients’. Lokke received the 2018 International Law Office Client Choice Award for Best Internet & Technology lawyer Germany and the 2018 Acquisition International Global Excellence Award for Most Influential Woman in Data Protection Law.

Prof. Dr. Giorgio MONTI

Giorgio Monti is Professor of Competition Law at the Tilburg University and research fellow at the Center for Regulation in Europe. He has held positions at the London School of Economics and the European University Institute. He has 30 years of experience in researching and teaching law, with expertise in EU, UK and US competition law in particular. As scientific director of the Florence Competition Programme he helped devise a successful judicial training programme, which attracts judges from all EU Member States. He has provided policy reports on a number of EU initiatives, including the Geo-Blocking Regulation and the Digital Markets Act. He is the co-author of one of the leading student books on EU Law and a joint editor of one of the principal journals in the field: the Common Market Law Review.


Merel Noorman is assistant professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University. She has a background in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Science and Technology Studies (STS) and philosophy of technology. In her research she looks at the social and ethical aspects of AI, focusing on the democratic governance of AI and the distribution of responsibility around complex intelligent technologies. She has explored these issues in multiple international research projects in the U.S. and the Netherlands, funded by the National Science Foundation, the EU 5thframework program and the Dutch Research Council. She teaches the ethics of Data Science and AI, the regulation and governance of AI, and philosophy of technology to academic as well as post academic students. She has also worked as advisor for the Dutch Council for Social Development (Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling) and was managing director for the software company VicarVision. She was a member of the UN Advisory Board for Disarmament Matters and is currently part of the Information Ethics Working Group (IEWG) – IFAP/UNESCO.


Tjaša is a PhD Candidate at Tilburg Law School, affiliated with the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) and at the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), and a member of the Digital Legal Lab (Law Sector Plan, SSH). Her research interests include the regulation of health data, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms, examining in particular the market regulation and health policy aspects. Prior to her PhD studies, Tjaša obtained LLMs in EU Law and Law and Technology at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. She also holds a BA and an MA in Social Sciences from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Before her current academic position, Tjaša worked for almost five years in EU communications and public affairs in both Brussels and Ljubljana, most recently with a focus on EU research and innovation policy, regulation, and funding in the area of life sciences


Dr. Anuj Puri is a postdoctoral researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), where he is working with Prof. Dr. Esther Keymolen on devising self-regulatory strategies for responsible and trustworthy AI. Anuj’s research focuses on the social, ethical and legal aspects of AI. Anuj completed his interdisciplinary doctoral research on the group right to privacy at the University of St Andrews. He was also a research fellow in AI and the Rule of Law at the Bingham Centre for Rule of Law. He completed his LL.M. from Columbia University School of Law, graduating as a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. Prior to commencing his doctoral research, Anuj practised law before the Supreme Court of India and various High Courts. His practice areas included Constitutional Law, Commercial Litigation, Competition Law and Criminal Law. He was also a visiting faculty at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong and the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) Hyderabad. Anuj has published on various topics such as Rule of Law and AI, legal contestation of AI- related decision-making, group privacy, attentional privacy, moral algorithms, the existential role of rights and the role of law in creation of meaning.


Manos Roussos is a PhD researcher of the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). He holds an LL.M. (cum laude) in Law & Technology (2022) from the Tilburg University, an M.Sc. in Business for Lawyers (2019) from ALBA Graduate Business School – ACG and an LL.B. (2017) from the Democritus University of Thrace. Manos is a qualified attorney-at-law and prior to joining TILT, he was a practicing lawyer in Greece, having experience in corporate and data protection matters, as well as litigation. In TILT, his doctoral research focuses on transatlantic data transfers between the EU and the US for anti-money laundering purposes.

Prof. Dr. Linnet TAYLOR

Linnet Taylor is Professor of International Data Governance at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on digital data, representation and democracy, with particular attention to transnational governance issues. Her work on group privacy and data justice is used in discussions of technology governance in countries around the world. She leads the ERC Global Data Justice project, which aims to develop a social-justice-informed framework for governance of data technologies on the global level. The research is based on insights from technology users, providers and civil society organisations around the world. Her work is also currently supported by the Luminate foundation and the EU AI Fund. She is a member of the Dutch Young Academy (De Jonge Akademie) and a co-chair of the NWO’s Social Science roundtable advisory group.


Bart van der Sloot specializes in the area of Privacy and Big Data. He also publishes regularly on the liability of Internet Intermediaries, data protection and internet regulation. He has studied both philosophy (BA; MA) and law (BA; MA) in the Netherlands and Italy, also successfully completing the Honours Research Programme. He is an associate professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society of the University of Tilburg, Netherlands. Bart formerly worked for the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, where he wrote his PhD on privacy and virtue ethics, and for the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) (part of the Prime Minister’s Office of the Netherlands) to co-author a report on the regulation of Big Data. Bart van der Sloot is the general editor of the international privacy journal European Data Protection Law Review. He also served as the director of the Privacy & Identity Lab between 2016-2021. Between 2010-2020, he was the founder and coordinator of the Amsterdam Platform for Privacy Research (APPR), the minor Privacy Studies and the Amsterdam Privacy Conferences 2012, 2015 and 2018. Bart was awarded two highly prestigious research stipends by the Dutch Scientific Organisation. The Top Talent Research Grant fully covered his Phd project and the Veni grant (2021-2025) covers a research project called: the right to be let alone … by yourself.

University Certificate

After successful completion of the Course, participants will receive a University Certificate of Attendance (Certificate), awarded by the Law Faculty of Tilburg University.

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