
International Business for Lawyers (IBfL) – 2nd year

Executive Program “International Business for Lawyers”

Academic Director: Emmanuel Gardounis

Instructors: 15 international academics & professionals


The Executive Program “International Business for Lawyers” is a pioneering and innovative Program that leads to a University Certificate and is the result of a partnership between the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Lille – France’s largest private university – and Nomiki Bibliothiki, i.e. the largest provider of vocational education in the field of Law and Economics in Greece, with the support of EDHEC Augmented Law Institute – which is among the most internationally acclaimed business schools – and in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics, Management and Sciences of the Law Faculty of Université Catholique de Lille & ICC Hellas.

Why choose this program

  • Made for law professionals who understand that adequate knowledge of the law is no longer sufficient for modern legal professionals working with businesses on a daily basis.
  • This program aims at offering to lawyers intensive education and training with regard to how businesses operate at all levels of planning and decision-making, especially where they are active in an international environment.
  • The Instructors are well-trained and highly experienced international academics and professionals in the field of Law and Economics.
  • The participants will deepen in the understanding of practical, strategic and modern approaches to business operation, which will transform them into essential actors of decision-making at their workplace.

Course Overview

Introductory seminars: (9h)
• Legal Transformation: the augmented lawyers
• Introduction to Marketing
• Business Economics

Business Finance (12h)
• Financial Management
• Corporate Finance for Lawyers

Compliance, Competition Rules & Regulation (16h)
• Anticompetitive practices: Public and Private Enforcement
• Compliance
• Regulation of Financial Markets
• Mergers and Acquisitions: Legal and Managerial Aspects

Business Governance (16h)
• Corporate Governance
• HR Management
• Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
• Leadership: collective intelligence and strategic decisions

Digital Transformation – Legal Tech: present and future challenges (16h)
• Law for Tech & Tech for Law
• Big Data & Artificial Intelligence: Towards Predictive Justice?
• Blockchain Technology & Smart Contracts
• Transformation into a Lawyer 2.0

Closing Seminars: Prevention of conflicts and ADRM (4h)
• New evolutions in International Arbitration
• New evolutions in International Mediation and other ADRM

Assessment Period

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Intended Participants

The program is designed for lawyers, legal advisors, executives & heads of legal departments of companies, agencies and organizations who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in the framework of an executive program and to improve or enhance their ability to make decisions in a complex and international business environment. The practical approach to all the subjects to be explored will also help participants systematize and update their knowledge in business administration, financial and other management issues covered by the program and thus to improve their professional prospects in a greatly competitive, while also very international environment.

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77 Teaching hours
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15 Instructors
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Duration: 3 months

Christophe ROQUILLY
Delphine DOGOT
Anastasios IKONOMOU
Christos GORTSOS
Jean-Yves MASSE


Permanent Lecturer in the Parisian Campus of the Law School of Lille Catholic University since 2015, Emmanuel Gardounis is the Academic Director of three International Programs of Studies in Law & Management and member of the Research Center C3RD of this Faculty (Centre de Recherche de Relations entre les Risques et le Droit). He has been teaching Competition Law, Company Law, Contract Law and Intellectual Property Law in the Law School of the Catholic University of Lille and he has been a visiting Lecturer at SciencesPo Paris (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris) since 2012, where he has been teaching Comparative Contract Law and European Economic Law. Throughout his academic career he has given numerous lectures in well-known Universities and Business Schools in France. His current academic research is oriented towards the influence of Competition Law on the Law of Obligations. He has made several publications in the field of his expertise and has participated in various conferences. Before joining the Catholic University of Lille, Emmanuel practiced for several years as a Lawyer in Greece and in France. He was admitted to the Athens Bar in 2001 and to Paris Bar in 2013 and advised and represented French and Greek clients before courts of both countries. Under his coordination, Nomiki Bibliothiki published in 2020 the 2nd edition of the French-Greek / Greek-French Dictionary of Legal Terms.

Christophe ROQUILLY

Prof. Dr. Christophe Roquilly is Professor at EDHEC Business School where he is also the Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute, and the Honorary Dean of Faculty. Author of several books and numerous articles in academic and professional journals, both in France and abroad, he dedicates his research work to the relationship between law and strategy, legal management and legal risk management, as well as the impact of digital technology in the legal profession. Christophe is a member of the Scientific Council of the Semaine Juridique Entreprise et Affaires (Law Journal, Lexis Nexis), of the Scientific Council of the Business & Legal Forum, of the Advisory Board of ECLA (European Company Lawyers Association) and of the EFMD Programme Accreditation Board. He is Vice-President of the Cercle de la Compliance. He also directs the column ‘Digit@l’ in Juriste d’Entreprise Magazine and the column ‘Droit, Juriste et Pratique du Droit Augmentés’ in Les Affiches Parisiennes. He was named by the magazine Décideurs Juridiques as one of the 10 French legal influencers of 2022.

Delphine DOGOT  

Dr. Delphine Dogot investigates transformation of law, regulation and governance when embedded with digital technologies. Her research is at the intersection of law and social sciences. She is especially interested in data-driven governance, robotics, cybersecurity, behavioral profiling technologies and blockchain technologies used for global regulation. She works on several project in the SmartLawHub on the impact and development of algorithmic and machine learning tools for legal reasoning and legal professions. Delphine Dogot holds a Ph.D. in Law from Sciences Po, a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, as well as Master’s degree in Sociology and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Université Paris 4 Paris-Sorbonne. She has previously been Exchange Researcher at Harvard Law School, Fellow at the Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy (ULB), and OXPO Fellow at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. She is a visiting professor at Sciences Po, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas and Faculté Libre de Droit de Lille


Laura Carraresi is Senior Scientist in Innovation Management in the Innovation, consumer and sensory sciences department at the Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (Nofima). Dr. Carraresi has got a PhD in Innovation Technology for Agri-food and Environmental Sciences in 2009 at the University of Milan (Italy), with a secondment at University of Zaragoza (Spain). She has been visiting researcher at Ghent University (Belgium) as well. After a postdoc at the University of Milan, she was enrolled as Senior lecturer at University of Bonn (Germany – 2015-2019), and as Associate Professor at Lille Catholic University (France – 2019-2021), before joining Nofima in September 2021. During her career, she taught – both at Bachelor and Master level – courses of Business strategy and Corporate management. She also taught courses for practitioners and contribute to knowledge transfer seminars addressed to multiple stakeholders, from companies to policy makers. Her research interests are focused on strategic and organizational changes (e.g. business model innovation) associated with innovation adoption within agri-food companies, value chain and systems in the domain of bio- and circular economy. Research activities have included innovation drivers, cross-industry and open innovation, the emergence of novel value chains, the redesign of business models towards circular and sustainable patterns, and the development of technological innovation systems.


Doctorate in marketing (2014), Executive MBA in designing for social innovation and leadership (2016), higher research diploma in creativity and innovation management (2018). Research engineer at HEMiSF4iRE since 2017. Lecturer and thesis tutor in marketing and management at the faculties of the Catholic Institute of Lille, at ISTC, at YNCREA, at the University of Lille, at IESEG and at Skema.
Guest lecturer at the University of Toyo in Japan.
My current research topics concern the third places (fablabs, coworking spaces etc.), remote working and visualisation of work space datas.

Anastasios IKONOMOU

Anastasios Ikonomou holds a postgraduate degree in international business law from University Paris X and a Masters degree from Reading University, UK. He joined the Paris Bar in 1999 to practice cross border mergers and acquisitions with high profile law firms. In 2008 he joined the Vallourec Group, a leading Paris-based seamless steel pipe manufacturer for energy and industry applications listed on Euronext, as legal manager for the oil and gas division. He took over responsibility of Group mergers and acquisitions in 2016. In addition to mergers and acquisitions, he currently acts as General Counsel Operations, managing the legal affairs of the Vallourec Group’s operations. He has been teaching mergers and acquisitions to the Masters 2 students of the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Lille since 2020.


Céline CAPEL LEBRETON, Senior Legal Counsel at Amundi Asset Management (N°1 European Asset Manager with € €2,000 billion in asset under management) in charge of negotiations on derivatives and securities financing transactions. International Legal Coordinator for all Amundi’s subsidiaries located in Europe and Asia.
Regulatory watch and leading various EU regulations implementations.


Ms Kurowska has worked with international clients, advising them on legal and business aspects of international expansion since her first year of law school. It is also when she launched her first legaltech startup. Today, she is a founder and managing partner of Verne Legal, a visiting lecturer at two French universities, and an active member of legal technology initiatives in France, Poland and Spain. She publishes regularly on topics of legal innovation, legal technology and digitalization of the legal sector. Her expertise focuses on Big Data implications on cross-border corporate transactions.


After being in the top management of the AFER Group (one of the biggest pension fund manager in France), Professor Haguet decided to join the EDHEC Group to bring his professional experience, especially in the continuing education and pension fund management. His work is mainly oriented around the asset management of pension funds and behavioural finance. He is a member of the EDHEC Center of Research in Risk and Asset Management and he is now in charge of the coordination of the Economics & Finance teachings in Nice. He launched a special program in executive education for French IFAs.

Christos GORTSOS

Christos Gortsos is Professor of Public Economic Law, Director of the Public Law Department and Academic Head of the LLM Program in “Financial Regulation” at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Inter alia, he is also, President of the Academic Board of the Frankfurt-based European Banking Institute (EBI), Visiting Professor at the Europa-Institut of the University of Saarland, Research Partner in the University Research Priority Program (URPP) “Financial Regulation” of the University of Zürich, invited teaching Professor at the Europa-Institut of the latter University, member of the expert group of the European Parliament on banking resolution, as well as member and academic coordinator of the Committee on International Monetary Law of the International Law Association (MOCOMILA). He studied, both at undergraduate and graduate level, law, economics and finance at the NKUA and the Universities of Zürich, Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School) and Geneva (Graduate Institute of International Studies, where he also obtained his PhD degree). The main fields of his research, publication and teaching activity include international, EU and Greek monetary and financial law, central banking law and institutional economics. His studies at SSRN can be accessed at: https://ssrn.com/author=1808375. During the winter semester of the academic year 2017-2018 he was granted the Bernard Braudel Senior Fellowship at the Law Department of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and during the winter semester of the academic year 2018-2019 he was Academic Visitor at St Antony’s College (Oxford University), affiliated to the Political Economy of Financial Markets (FEFM) Research Center.


Richard DEFONTAINE is a seasoned commercial counsel with 15+ year experience in both private practice and in-house acquired in various sectors including Energy & Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Construction, Transportation & Rail and Automotive. He has held different positions of Head of Legal navigating through cross-cultural environments in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He has experienced extensive negotiations on the ground with governments or multinational companies as well as dispute resolutions for major projects under civil and common law notably in high risk or highly complex countries like Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Russia. Richard is a French qualified lawyer (Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2003), graduated from HEC School of Management (M.S 2001). He is currently based in Dubai where he is the Head of Legal for the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey in the Renewable Energy sector for a U.S conglomerate.


Marily Paralika is a partner in the Paris office, where she heads the International Arbitration practice. She has 15 years’ experience in International Arbitration and acts as counsel in international arbitration proceedings governed by the ICC, ICSID, LCIA, SCC arbitration rules, as well as ad hoc proceedings. Marily represents parties in the construction, engineering, energy and infrastructure sectors, both in commercial arbitrations and investor-state disputes, and assists with every step of the arbitral process, including prearbitral strategic advice. She has handled arbitrations arising out of international commercial contracts, including long-term gas supply agreements and concession contracts, but also matters arising out of M&A and shareholders’ agreements. She also acts as an arbitrator in international arbitration proceedings. Marily is a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for Greece and a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. Marily is the author of numerous articles and publications in her field of expertise. She is a regular speaker at conferences on international arbitration and teaches at the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens (Master of Civil Law and Energy). Marily is recognised among her peers and clients for her exceptional expertise. Since 2017, she has been on the list of Future Leaders in the Who’s Who Legal – Arbitration guide, which considers her to be outstanding in the field of international arbitration. Marily holds a Master’s degree in International Economic Law from the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas and an LLM in European and International Law from the University of Athens. Prior to joining Fieldfisher Paris, Marily was a senior associate in the international arbitration group of White & Case in Paris, and a Deputy Counsel with the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, where she supervised numerous arbitration proceedings involving parties from all over the world. She was admitted to the Athens Bar in 2001 and to the Paris Bar in 2007. A native Greek speaker, Marily is also fluent in French and English.


Alya is a Tunisian and French qualified lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in dispute resolution. She is responsible for ICC’s amicable dispute resolution services, including mediation, expertise, disputes boards and DOCDEX procedures. She is also co-chair of the Global Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF). Before joining the Centre, Alya worked with the ICC International Court of Arbitration as Deputy Counsel for several years. During this time, she managed hundreds of arbitration proceedings across Europe, Africa and the Middle-East. Before working with ICC, Alya worked extensively in litigation and corporate law, advising banks, foreign investors and corporations.
Alya holds two master’s degrees from the Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and from the Faculté des sciences juridiques politiques et sociales de Tunis in International Public Law and International Organizations and in Common Law.

Jean-Yves MASSE

Graduated in Scandinavian languages and international business. He worked thirty two years for IKEA: category manager lighting Southern Europe, Store Manager (Paris-Nord and Toulon), Sales Manager France then Group, Marketing Director IKEA France then Director of Food & Beverages Operations Between 2012 and 2018 Training program manager for the IKEA franchisor and group, in charge of twelve training programs delivered worldwide and mentor of a hundred trainers. Since 2018 divides his time between his consulting agency (Korian and IKEA among his main customers) and training manager in the InnoPark Romandie training center in Lausanne, aiming to support senior executives in transition. His specialty is instructional engineering and facilitation of collaborative workshops on topics covering marketing, merchandising, management, leadership, public speaking and agility (SCRUM).


Member of the Paris Bar since 2004, Véronique Goncalves has extensive experience in Corporate Law, M&A and compliance in Europe and in the OHADA area. She frequently participates in conferences and provides trainings on Corporate Law, business ethics and compliance related matters to her clients in Europe and in Africa. She has also acted as arbitrator or counsel in international commercial arbitration proceedings, both institutional and ad hoc.
She is a visiting lecturer at the Lille Catholic University (Corporate Law, Compliance and business Ethics).

University Certificate

After successful completion of the Course, participants will receive a University Certificate of Attendance (Certificat), awarded by the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Lille.